
Privacy Window Film


Elevate your home with privacy window film - where privacy meets unmatched style.

At High Performance Window Films, we understand that privacy is of upmost importance to homeowners. That's why we offer a range of high-quality residential window films that not only provide excellent privacy but also enhance the overall appearance and energy efficiency of your home.

Privacy window film is a cost-effective and practical solution to enhance the privacy of your home. Our range of residential window film is designed to provide various levels of privacy while also offering other benefits such as UV protection, energy efficiency, and enhanced aesthetics.

Our privacy window films are available in a variety of styles allowing you to choose the perfect option to match your home's décor.

  • Dual Reflective (Low night time internal reflection)
  • Neutral (Low mirror)
  • Slate (Car tint style)
  • Reflective
  • Frosted (24 Hour privacy)

Dual Reflective 25 is the most popular choice for homeowners seeking enhanced privacy without compromising on style, this window film has a stylish Mirrored Appearance (with a subtle touch), Immersing your living spaces in sophistication without an overpowering mirrored effect. This Film introduces a stylish mirrored appearance that enhances the overall aesthetics of your home, both inside and out, while maintaining subtlety.

Net Curtains/Blinds vs. Window Film for Privacy
Light Filtering.

Tightly woven net curtains: Allow some natural light to pass through, varying with weave and density. They may not be suitable for glare control. Typically have a Visible Light Transmission (VLT) of 10% to 30%.
Loosely woven net curtains: These curtains have a higher VLT of 30% to 50%, offering less privacy.

Venetian blinds: have a 20-50% VLT, depending on the material and slat width.
Roller blinds: 10-70% VLT, depending on the fabric.
Vertical blinds: 30-50% VLT.

A clear toughened double glazed window has a VLT ranging from 70% to 80%.

Window Film: Offers a wider range of light filtering options, from light diffusing to significant light blocking. Some films provide glare reduction for comfortable viewing. Our dual reflective 25 has a VLT of 27%, other films vary from 8% to 35%, Any VLT over 30% and the film will start allowing vision both ways more dramatically.
All tinted window films will reduce fading by 70-80%.

+Higher VLT means more light passes through, resulting in a lighter appearance. Lower VLT means less light passes through, resulting in a darker appearance.

Visual Acuity
(Important when looking at a window film sample on a window)

The human eye has a logarithmic response to light, which means that small changes in light levels at low light levels are more noticeable than at higher light levels. This phenomenon is known as the Weber-Fechner law.

So, when a window film with a 30% VLT rating is applied, it blocks 70% of the light from passing through. However, the reduction in perceived brightness by the human eye might not be as significant as the percentage of light blocked. Due to the logarithmic response of the eye, the perceived reduction in brightness might be closer to 7% or even less.

This means that even though the VLT rating suggests a substantial reduction in light transmission, the actual impact on the perceived brightness might be relatively minor. It's an important consideration when evaluating the visual effects of window films.

If you're seeking an affordable and practical way to elevate the privacy of your home, your solution awaits at High Performance Window Films.

Don't hesitate - reach out to us today to schedule a complimentary on-site survey.

Explore our expertise and browse through examples on our Gallery page. Contact Us now and embark on a journey to a more private and stylish home.


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1. Increased Privacy
Privacy window film offers a high level of privacy while still allowing natural light to enter your home. This means you can enjoy the benefits of natural light without compromising your privacy. Our films also block the view from the outside, preventing people from seeing into your home.

2. Heat Reduction
Typically up to 80% heat reduction can be achieved, vastly improving comfort levels, while still giving you optically clear outward vision in daylight hours.

3. Protection From UV Rays
UV rays can cause damage to your skin, furniture, and flooring. Window film can block up to 99% of harmful UV rays, protecting you and your belongings from damage.

4. Energy Efficiency
Window film can significantly reduce the amount of energy your home consumes by preventing heat from entering your home during the summer months. This means that you'll save money on your energy bills and reduce your carbon footprint. Window film can reduce cooling costs by up to 30%.

5. Glare Rejection
Reduce glare by up to 95% by reducing the amount of light that enters your home, this can help you enjoy a more comfortable and productive environment, without sacrificing natural light or views.

6. Daylight Hours One-Way Privacy Window Film For Daytime Privacy - this film allows vision through the treated glass from one side while providing complete privacy from the opposite side.

7. Total Privacy Window Film Prevents Vision Through Treated Glass 24-Hours A Day. Total Privacy film blocks vision from both sides of the treated glass for the ultimate privacy solution.